[2] Verbs Followed by Nouns + Infinitives


List 1: Verb + Required Noun + Infinitive


advise I advised them to see a doctor.
allow Ireland doesn't allow people to smoke in bars.
cause He caused her to make a mistake.
convince Ned convinced me to quit my job.
enable Financial aid enabled the students to pay such expensive tuition fees.
encourage He encourages his patients to eat healthy foods.
force The commander forced the soldiers to march in the rain.
get (cause to) Isabelle got Mike to wash her car.
hire Mr. Donelly hired Sarah to work as a receptionist.
invite We invited them to join us.
order The police ordered him to put his hands in the air.
permit California doesn't permit people to fish without a fishing license.
remind They reminded me to pay the bills before the end of the month.
require The certificate requires students to complete two courses. 
tell He told me to shut up.
urge They urge citizens to recycle bottles and paper.
warn She warned him not to be late.

List 2: Verb + Optional Noun + Infinitive


Notice in the examples below that verbs can be followed by an infinitive or a noun plus an infinitive. When a noun is added, it usually changes who or what is performing the action. To understand this better, look at the first ver "ask" and its examples. In the first sentence, she is asking if she herself can leave. In the second sentence, she is requesting that a man leave.


ask he asked to leave. She asked him to leave.
choose I chose to  help out. I chose him to help out.
expect They expect to arrive early. They expect him to arrive early.
need I need to clean the house. I need her to clean the house.  
prepare They prepared to take the test. They prepared her to take the test.
promise She promised to stop smoking She promised him to stop smoking.
threaten He threatened to leave forever. He threatened her to leave forever.
want I want to study Spanish. I want my son to study Spanish.
wish I wish to stay. I wish him to stay. rare form  
would like We would like to start now. We would like him to start now.